Thursday, December 9, 2010

Be heard!

You can also call Walker's Transitional Office to register your disgust:

Walker's transitional office: 608-261-9200

Contact Ray Lahood at 202-366-4000

And for good measure, let's not forget to call Doyle on his part in backing down: 608-266-1212

If you would like to write a letter to an editor, here is a form to help reach multiple papers at once.

This is a terrible blow

More U.S. Rail Funds for 12 States as Two Reject Aid

The federal Department of Transportation announced Thursday that it was taking back the $810 million that had been awarded to Wisconsin to build a train line from Milwaukee to Madison, and the $385 million that was awarded to Ohio to build a train line linking Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland. The money will be redistributed to 12 other states, with the biggest winners being California and Florida, which are building high-speed trains.

I feel a little ill.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Photos from the Madison Rally on November 20

The day was sunny but chilly. The turnout was good.

The rally, which was hosted by the Sierra Club John Muir Chapter, featured a number of speakers including Republican businessman Bob Lien, whose business has been directly affected by the "pause" in the project. The Raging Grannies of Madison also took the stage, to take us out in song.

More than Just Facebook

Today we reached 10,000 fans on Facebook, and it became clear that we need more than just our Facebook page to organize.

I never would have thought that this would grow so big, so fast, but I'm very heartened that it has. It is good to see that passenger rail in Wisconsin has such enthusiastic popular support.

We have always known that Facebook is not enough. We can't just click "like" and feel as though we have accomplished something. Facebook is simply a means to organize and communicate.

So what can we do? Here is a start:

10 things to do:

  1. Contact Governor-Elect Walker's office

    Walker's transitional office: 608-261-9200

    Office of Governor-Elect Scott Walker
    17 West Main Street, Suite 301
    Madison WI 53702

  2. Contact Governor Doyle's office
    phone: 608-266-1212, email:
  3. Contact Former Governor Thompson, and ask him to renew his long-time support for this project
    email:, phone: 202.887.4080
  4. Contact the offices of your legislators, mayors, etc.
  5. Write letters to the editor and make pro-rail comment on news articles

  6. Get local business leaders to advocate in favor

  7. Sign WISPIRG's Pledge to Ride

  8. Work to keep the conversation positive, respectful, and factual

  9. Spread the word! Get others involved and let them know how they can help.

  10. Keep each other positive & energized